Kate Shapiro

Managing director

Kate joined the KodiakCare team with experience in writing and managing a wedding and honeymoon section of a bridal magazine out of New York City. The hardest part of traveling was, however, leaving her pets behind! She is most driven when there is an opportunity to help someone, animal and human alike. Or when she has the chance to use her Cricut and do some crafting!

Kate has become a mother since joining KodiakCare, which means she’s experienced the heartwarming joy dogs bring to the little ones who love them. Unfortunately, a tragic event took their little Pomeranian away from her family, and she is earnest in preventing other families and children from feeling that poignant devastation. Things can happen in the blink of an eye, and no family should have to lose a loved one due to finances. 

Why KodiakCare

The first time I met Kodiak, his big paws and happy face peered at me through a window. He seemed as tall as I was! I opened the door and was greeted by a warm, fluffy body pressing himself as close as he could to me. He’d accepted me into his fold. Walking him in the park, he didn’t want to run away and chase things; he wanted to be with his family and blissfully walked alongside Nancy. This was a bond that went both ways, and I think every family should have the chance to grow such a connection fostered by love, shared-experiences and time.